Billion Pill Pledge

Surgery has long been known as a gateway to long-term opioid painkiller use and dependence. Studies show 9% of surgery patients who have never used an opioid become long-term users of opioids after being legally prescribed opioids after a surgery.
Through the Billion Pill Pledge program, Floyd Valley Healthcare, along with other participating hospitals, will enhance its surgery protocols and optimize pain management around surgery. These industry-leading approaches are designed to enhance patients’ preparation for surgery, better manage any surgery-related pain, and minimize opioid use both before and after surgery.
As a part of this program, patients will have access to an FVH nurse navigator who is an expert in surgery and recovery. Patients will receive a “Prepared for Surgery” care package before surgery. This box includes a number of items key to optimizing a patient’s surgery experience. Nurses will also support patients during the critical period before and after surgery to help increase the use of opioid minimizing surgery protocols.
The mission of the Billion Pill Pledge is to reduce leftover opioids after surgery in the United States by 1 billion pills each year, thereby avoiding those pills being possibly diverted to unauthorized use by others. Floyd Valley Healthcare does have a secured deposit receptacle inside the west entrance for anyone that wishes to drop off unused or expired medicine during business hours.
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