Farming is Hard Work

On the farm, getting the work done is important, but being alert and patient can prevent accidents. On the road, make sure lights and reflectors on farm machinery are in working order. Know your route and anticipate obstacles like power lines. Make sure you’re aware of the location of every member of your team at all times.
Farming is not just hard work – it can be dangerous. Slowing down enough to observe safety precautions can help reduce injuries and deaths, which amount to around 450 each year in our country. Ensure your vehicles have rollover protection in place, and always get plenty of rest.
In our information age, distractions can pop up in a second. One potential cause of accidents is likely in your hand or pocket right now. Phones keep us connected or ensure we’re up to date on the forecast. But distracted driving or working can lead to accidents we’d take back in a moment if we could. It’s best to put your device away and only use it when your attention is not in demand elsewhere.
At times, mental health can be at the root of unsafe situations.
- Depression and anxiety can result in lack of sleep or worries that cloud judgment.
- When left untreated, these problems build up and can lead to breakdowns that cause accidents during driving, be it a car or a combine.
- Mental health conditions can go hand in hand with substance abuse and addiction, especially if someone is seeking to mask or self-medicate their pain.
- Another risk we don’t like to think about is that of self-harm and suicide.
- Resources can help you or a loved one treat and overcome a behavioral health condition; seek professional help in any case that leads you to worry about a family member and their mood, disposition or attitude.
Unlike physical conditions or injuries, mental health conditions may take longer to recognize or treat. But they are just as serious. Ag producers may have specific worries such as weather, reduced yields, high expenses and more. If you need help, calling the Farm and Rural Stress Hotline at 800-691-4336 is a good place to start. You may also reach out to your primary care provider at any time to discuss any changes in your mental or physical heath. Floyd Valley Senior Life Solutions may also be a great resource for older farm families.
Fall is a busy time, but also a season to savor and enjoy. We wish all our friends and neighbors in agriculture a safe and successful harvest.
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