How to Support a New Mom

Do you know a new mom? Chances are good that many people have offered to help her, but here’s a few tips. There’re simple but great ways to support a new mother.
- Drop off food. Don’t stay – maybe even leave the food on the front deck if possible. Just deliver food that is kid-friendly and ready to eat or heat. Not having to prepare a meal for the rest of the family saves time and sanity, and she will really appreciate it.
- Do not show up uninvited. Yes, it is tempting to want to hold the new little one, but company is wearing, and the new mom is still establishing her routine and may not be feeling up to company. If you simply must see the baby, get permission ahead of time.
- Offer to take the other kids. Come get the older kids and take them to play and eat and keep them busy for a few hours so mom can rest.
- (With permission first) Hire a cleaning service. Treat her to a clean house that she didn’t have to clean. This is especially helpful for c-section moms who cannot bend well or do steps for at least two weeks.
- Check in on her. Everyone is asking about the baby. Remember to ask how mom is too.
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