Tag: Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
This Mental Health Awareness Month, Floyd Valley Senior Life Solutions invites you to Look Around and Look Within to learn about how your surroundings can impact mental health. Take a moment to consider where you live. Do…
Asking for Help
Asking for help might not sound like something that could cause anxiety, but if many moms were honest they would agree that it certainly can be daunting to admit you need it. Often, we’re taught…
PPD – Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a topic often swept under the proverbial rug, especially for new some new moms. But it shouldn’t be – PPD affects around 20% of “new” (or postpartum) mothers. After having a…
Support Partners Are Your Coach
With COVID, some hospitals are allowing women one support person to accompany them on their initial journey into motherhood. Most people will choose their husband, mom or even best friend. Whoever you choose, make certain…